Get to Know Lily

Lily Wittman, Digital Operations Specialist
Lily brings over two years of experience in the digital marketing sector of the business industry. As the Digital Operations Specialist at Cox Consulting, she oversees digital content for clients such as Lake Pointe Aesthetics, Lake Cumberland Indoor Range, Solid Ground Consulting Engineers (North Carolina & Kentucky), Confident Beauty Medical Spa, and Sterling Crate Home.
Lily graduated early earning Magna Cum Laude honors from Ohio University's College of Business, obtaining two Bachelor's degrees in Marketing and Sport Management. During her time at Ohio University, she held prominent roles including Lead Student Ambassador for the College of Business, Assistant to the College of Business Dean, Student Marketing Associate for the Athletic Department, President of Sigma Alpha Sigma Mu, and the Lead Recruiting Assistant for the Ohio University Football Program.
Lily's previous digital marketing and consulting work includes projects for Alibi Aesthetics Medical Spa, CAMM Media Agency, Marketing Happy Hour Podcast, the Big Ten Conference, the Mid-American Conference, and the Southeastern Conference. She is also a Talent Agent with NIL Management in Columbus, Ohio, representing elite college and professional athletes as well as social media influencers.
If she is not on her computer working, you can find her outside on long walks, at a pilates class, watching YouTube lifestyle videos, traveling or bartending in Columbus, Ohio!